Nominated for the 2022 APCA Award, the monologue “LYGIA”, by Maria Clara Mattos, will be presented in parallel to the exhibition of the same name. Bel Kutner signs the direction with the author.
In September, the Inclusartiz Cultural Center hosts a new Rio season of the show “LYGIA”, based on the diaries of Minas Gerais artist Lygia Clark (1920–1988). The monologue, written by Maria Clara Mattos, features the performance of Carolyna Aguiar. Bel Kutner signs the direction with the author in this deep dive into the universe of Lygia Clark, owner of an extremely complex work, full of subterranean meanings that are not always explicit, but with a direct, almost simple aesthetic.
Nominated as best dramaturgy by the APCA Award (São Paulo Association of Arts Critics) in 2022, “LYGIA” arrives in the Port Region of Rio de Janeiro for the first time on September 27th after debuting in 2019 in the South Zone of the city and season in 2022 in Sao Paulo. This initiative aims to democratize the artist’s work and reinforce its relevance today, introducing new audiences to her practices.

The pair of directors have this subtext as their staging goal. Yes, staging, that’s how they prefer to treat the show. Without the commitment of the stage, without the rigidity of theater, without the silence and pure appreciation of an exhibition, seeking to use straight lines, curves and therapeutic objects created by the artist in interaction with the public. In other words, Lygia Clark in the language she sought for her artistic manifestations: the body, the work of art and its exchange with the audience. More than a spectacle, this performance is an aesthetic experience, exactly what Lygia lent to the work itself: life.
“The monologue is an invitation to the vast inner world of this woman. Your dreams, your pains, your joys. Not from the artist, not from the therapist, but from Lygia, pure and simple. Someone who made their own abysses the path of contact with others, someone who believed that human artistic potential lay in the unveiling of their own ghosts”, says Maria Clara Mattos.
Lygia Clark has always sought interaction between the artist and the public. From the breaking of the frame, to the Animals, to the Structuring of the Self, what this woman proposed – literally – was the communion between art and life. “Our intention is to experience being this artist who used her own anguish as research material”, adds the author.
For Carolyna Aguiar, who plays Lygia, it is extremely important to have the artist’s presence in the current scenario. “His deconstruction of the thought of a work of art as a myth, his rapprochement between life and art, his constant provocation about the boundaries of artistic experience take the audience out of passive contemplation”, she reinforces.

On September 28th, in parallel with the “LYGIA” season, a homonymous exhibition with an educational character will also be opened at the Inclusartiz Cultural Center, where replicas of propositions from the sensory phase of the artist’s production will be displayed, accompanied by texts by the renowned curator and art critic Paulo Herkenhoff. As part of the show, two free educational activities based on his works will also be held in the space.
In the workshop “Bichos” (09/30), Carolyna Aguiar is based on the series “Bichos” (1960s) to work from the joints of the body and the spinal column as the central axis. The initiative focuses on young students and those interested in dance, theater and performance, between 14 and 18 years old. The workshop “Livro Obra” (10/03 to 10/07), will be taught by the Lygia Clark Association and aimed at children and pre-teens (preferably between 8 and 14 years old). The activity is an invitation to exercise creativity through the exploration of everyday materials driven by the propositions of “Livro Obra” (1983).
In addition to the scenographic installation, replicas of the main propositions from the sensorial phase of Lygia Clark’s work will also be on display, accompanied by texts by renowned curator and art critic Paulo Herkenhoff. The idea is to encourage, through a pedagogical proposal, public interaction with the objects/works, with experimentation itself as an aesthetic experience. The art that goes beyond the gallery walls and throws itself towards the other’s body. The other is encouraged to abandon a passive posture of pre-formatted contemplation for a free, purposeful, tangible and profound interaction.
The project is sponsored by the City of Rio de Janeiro, Municipal Department of Culture, GPS Group, TNA Gestão Patrimonial and ALOCC, through the Municipal Culture Incentive Law – Lei do ISS.
From September 27th to October 12th
Sessions: Wednesdays and Thursdays, at 6pm
*Free entry upon collection of ticket at Sympla:
*All sessions are translated into Libras (Brazilian Sign Language).
From September 28th to October 14th
Visitation: Tuesday to Sunday, from 11am to 6pm
Free entrance
Workshop Bichos – With Carolyna Aguiar
Saturday, September 30th, from 2pm to 4pm
Audience: 14 to 18 years old
*Free entry upon registration at Sympla:
Workshop Livro Obra – With Lygia Clark Association
Tuesday to Friday, October 3rd to 6th, from 2pm to 4:30pm
Saturday, October 7th, from 10am to 12pm
Audience: 8 to 14 years old
*Free entry upon registration at Sympla:
Location: Inclusartiz Cultural Center (R. Sacadura Cabral, 333 – Gamboa, Rio de Janeiro)