Exhibition “Behind the Retina” is extended until January 29, 2023
Curated by Victor Gorgulho, the exhibition occupies the ground floor of Inclusartiz Cultural Center with works by artists as Adriana Varejão, Vivian Caccuri & Gustavo von Ha, and Rafael Bqueer
Opened on September 15, 2022, the exhibition “Behind the Retina,” which formerly would close on December 11, was extended until January 29, 2023. On display at the Inclusartiz Cultural Center, the collective show, curated by Victor Gorgulho, brings together works by contemporary Brazilian artists who investigate, in different ways and through various media, the relationships between physical space and virtuality, while seeking to establish new territories that go beyond the conventional capacity of human vision.

Exhibition “Behind the Retina” is extended until January 29, 2023 / Photo: Thales Leite
“We live in an era in which the conventional idea of space, for example, seems to have been put in check, expanding to unsuspected dimensions (the metaverse, for instance), lands where our ocular apparatuses seem to lack the resources to handle seeing what is right before our eyes,” explains curator Victor Gorgulho about the exhibition title.

Work by artist Laryssa Machada featured in the exhibition “Behind the retina”
Between videos, installations, paintings, sculptures and digital images, the show presents an intergenerational approach, mixing the production of young artists who are renowned in the Brazilian contemporary art circuit. They are: Adriana Varejão, Bárbara Wagner & Benjamin de Burca, Daniel Frota de Abreu, Gabriel Junqueira, Gabriel Massan, Laryssa Machada, Luiz Roque, Ilê Sartuzi, Pedro Victor Brandão, Rafael Bqueer, Rodolpho Parigi, Sofia Caesar, Vitória Cribb, Vivian Caccuri & Gustavo von Ha.
Behind the Retina
Inclusartiz Cultural Center
Rua Sacadura Cabral, 333, Gamboa, Rio de Janeiro – RJ
Opening hours: Tuesday to Sunday, 11 am to 6 pm
Visitation: until January 29, 2023
Free admission.