Yuko Hasegawa é Diretora Artística do Museum of Contemporary Art, Tóquio (2016 – atualmente) e Professora da Graduate School of Global Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts (2016-atualmente). Foi Curadora Chefe e Diretora Artística Fundadora (1999 – 2006) do 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa e Curadora Chefe do Museum of Contemporary Art, Tóquio (2006-2016). É Diretora Artística do Inujima Art House Project (2011-atualmente).
Foi nomeada como Curadora da 11th Sharjah Biennial (2013), Co-Curadora da 29a Bienal de São Paulo (2010), e Diretora Artística da 7ª Bienal Internacional de Istanbul (2001).
Seus projetos recentes incluem a Fukami Exhibition at Hotel Salmon de Rothschild(2018). the 7th International Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art: Clouds ⇄ Forests (setembro de 2017). Japanorama: NEW VISION ON ART SINCE 1970 no Centre Pompidou-Metz (outubro de 2017), Kishio Suga: Situations em Pirelli HangarBicocca, Milão (2016), New Sensorium Exiting from Failures of Modernization no ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe (2016).
Também participou do júri para o Nasher Prize Nasher Sculpture Center, Dallas (2015-2018); o Prêmio MAXXI BULGARI, Roma (2017-2018); e a 48 Esposizione La Biennale di Venezia (1999), entre outros. Além disso, foi membro do júri do Hugo Boss Asia Art Award (2017, 2015, 2013).
Additional Information
Ordem do Rio Branco (Concedida em 2017)
Chevalier De L’Ordere Des Arts Et Des Lettres (Concedido em 2015)
1989 Tokyo University of Fine Arts and Music, Mestre de Belas-Artes em História da Arte
1979 Kyoto University [Universidade de Kyoto], Bacharel em Direito
04/2016-atualmente Diretora Artística, Museum of Contemporary Art, Tóquio
04/2006-03/2016 Curadora Chefe, Museum of Contemporary Art, Tóquio
04/2005-03/2006 Diretora Artística, 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa
08/1999-03/2005 Curadora Chefe, 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa
1993-07/1999 Curadora, Setagaya Art Museum, Tóquio
12/1992-12/1993 Curadora visitante no Whitney Museum, NY (apoiada por uma concessão do A.C.C)
1989 -1993 Curadora, Contemporary Art Gallery, Art Tower Mito, Mito Arts Foundation, Japão
2016-atualmente Professora, Graduate School of Global Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts
2005-2016 Professora, teoria da arte e curadoria, Tama Art University, Tóquio
2001-2003 Palestrante, Shizuoka University of Art and Culture, Estudo de Exposição
1999-2001 Palestrante, Tokyo University of Fine Arts and Music, História da Arte
1998- 2000 Palestrante, Gakushu-in Women’s University, Tóquio, Instrutora, Gestão de Arte
1997-2000 Palestrante, Aoyama Gakuin Women’s Junior College, História da Arte
Fukami Exhibition
Hotel Salomon de Rothschild
Junho 2018 – Ago. 2018
Saudade: Unmemorable Place in Time
Fousun Foundation, Shanghai
Junho 2018 – Ago. 2018
7a Bienal Internacional de Moscou
Set. 2017 – Jan. 2018
Centre Pompidou-Metz
Set. 2017 – Março 2018
Kishio Suga: Situações
Pirelli HangarBicocca, Milão
Set. 2016 – Jan. 2017
Co-curadoria com Vicente Todolí
New Sensorium – Exiting Failures of Modernization
ZKM / Center for Art and Media, Karlsruhe, Alemanha
Mar. – Ago. 2016
Brouce Quek, Rohini Devasher, Tara Kelton, Lin Ke, Tarek Atoui e outros
“Breaking through to the actual via the imagination —Long museum collection show”
Long Museum, Shanghai, China
Nov. 2015 – Fev. 2016
Kazuo Shiraga, Atsuko Tanaka, Lee Ufan, Kishio Suga, Liu Wei, Lui Chun Kwong, Kohei Nawa e outros.
Permanent Art Installations for Grace Farm
Connecticut, EUA
Out. 2015 – Atualmente
Olafur Eliasson, Teresita Fernandez, Thomas Demand, Beatriz Milhazes
Unfamiliar Asia: The Second Beijing Photo Biennial 2015
CAFA Art Museum, Beijing, China
Out. 2015 – Nov. 2015
Co-curadoria com Huangsheng Wang, Chunchen Wang, Wai Chun e outros
Uudam Tran Nguyen, Ahmed Mater, Dayanita Singh, Lieko shiga e outros
Tokyo Art Meeting VI “TOKYO” -Sensing the Cultural Magma of the Metropolis
Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo (MOT), Tóquio, Japão
Nov. 2015 – Fev. 2016
YMO+Akio Miyazawa, Mika Ninagawa, Takashi Homma, Toshiki Okada, EBM(T), Tetsuaki Matsue, SUPERFEX, Saâdane Afif, Lin Ke, [Mé]
Oscar Niemeyer The Man Who Built Brasilia
Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo (MOT), Tóquio, Japão
Jul. – Out. 2015
Gabriel Orozco – Inner Cycles
Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo (MOT), Tóquio, Japão
Jan. – Maio 2015
Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo (MOT), Tóquio, Japão
Jan. – Mar. 2015
Co-Curadoria com Naoko Seki
Tokyo Art Meeting V Seaking New Genealogies Bodies/Leaps/Traces
Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo (MOT), Tóquio, Japão
Set. 2014 – Jan. 2015
Consultor Geral: Mansai Nomura
Dumb Type, chelfitsch, Sharon Lockhart, Teppei Kaneuji, Ernesto Neto, Ka Fai Choy, Julie Mehretu e outros
The Marvelous Real – Contemporary Spanish and Latin American Art from The MUSAC Collection
Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo (MOT), Tóquio, Japão
Fev. 2014 – Maio 2014
Fernando Sánchez Castillo, Pilar Albarracín, Vicente Blanco, Diango Hernández e outros
“A Retrospective Curated by SUPERFLEX”
Kunsthal Charlottenborg, Copenhague
Dez. 2013 – Fev. 2014
Co-Curadoria com Eungie Joo, Toke Lykkeberg, Daniel McClean e Lisa Rosendahl, Adriano Pedrosa, Agustin Perez Rubio, Hilde Teerlinck, e Rirkrit Tiravanija
Art Basel in Hong Kong Encounters
Hong Kong, China
Maio 2014
Yu Cheng-Ta, Michael Lin, Yan Xinguang, Gu Wenda, Lee Wen, Kishio Suga, Wang Jianwei, Tobias Rehberger, Rebecca Baumann e outros
Tokyo Art Meeting IV “BUNNY SMASH ― design to touch the world”
Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo (MOT), Tóquio, Japão
Out. 2013 – Jan. 2014
Co-Curadoria com Hiroshi Kashiwagi (Direção de Design / Consultor: Taku Satoh; Consultor: Hiroshi Ishii) Burak Arikan, Revital Cohen e Tuur Van Balen, Rhizomatiks (Daito Manabe e outros), Sputniko!, Marnie Weber e outros
The 11th Sharjah Art Biennial “Re Emerge – Toward a New Cultural Cartography”
Sharjah, Emirados Árabes Unidos
Mar. – Maio 2013
OFFICE KGDV, SUPERFLEX, Seigen Ono + Ryuichi Sakamoto + Shiro Takatani, SANAA, Wael Shawky, Otobong Nkanga, Francis Alÿs, Gabriel Orozco, Sarah Abu Abdallah, Tiffany Chung, Thilo Frank, Yang Fudong, Yu-ichi Inoue, Ernesto Neto, Shahzia Sikander, Fumito Urabe, Wissam Shawkat e outros
Tokyo Art Meeting III: “Art and Music – Search for New Synthesia”
Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo (MOT), Tóquio, Japão
Out. 2012 – Fev. 2013
Consultor Geral: Ryuichi Sakamoto
John Cage, Florian Hecker, Ryoji Ikeda, Seigen Ono + Ryuichi Sakamoto + Shiro Takatani, Otomo Yoshihide limited ensembles, Michi Tanaka / Jiro Takamatsu, Wassily Kandinsky, Carsten Nicolai e outros
“Thomas Demand”
Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo (MOT), Tóquio, Japão
Maio – Jul. 2012
“Atsuko Tanaka – The Art of Connecting”
Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo (MOT), Tóquio, Japão
Viajou para a Espai d’art contemporani de Castelló, Valência, Espanha, e Ikon Gallery, Birmingham, Reino Unido
Fev. – Maio 2012
Co-Curadoria com Jonathan Watkins
Art Basel 2014 Encounters
Hong Kong, China
Maio 2012
Yu Cheng-Ta, Marta Chilindron, Michael Lin, Yan Xinguang, Gu Wenda, Lee Wen
Inujima Art House Project
Okayama, Japão
2010 – atualmente
Diretora Artística
Kohei Nawa, Haruka Kojin, Yusuke Asai, Yusuke Komuta, Olafur Eliasson, Shimodaira Chinatsu e outros
Tokyo Art Meeting II: Architectural Environments for Tomorrow – New Spatial Practices in Architecture and Art
Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo (MOT), Tóquio, Japão
Out. 2011 – Jan. 2012
Co-Curadoria com SANAA
AMID.cero9, Sou Fujimoto, Frank O. Gehry, Junya Ishigami, Office Kersten Geers David Van Severen, Studio Mumbai, Fiona Tan e outros
Berlim 2000-2011: Playing among the Ruins
Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo (MOT), Tóquio, Japão
Set. 2011 – Jan. 2012
Co-Curadoria com Angela Rosenberg
Nevin Aladağ, John Bock, Phil Collins, Omer Fast, Anri Sala, Ming Wong e outros
“Trans-Cool Tokyo – Contemporary Japanese Art from MOT Collection”
Singapore Art Museum, Bangkok Art Culture Center e Taipei Fine Art Museum
2011 – 2012
Takashi Murakami, Yasumasa Morimura, Yoshimoto Nara, Koki Tanaka, Kohei Nawa, Takagi Masakatsu e outros
Tokyo Art Meeting: “Transformation”
Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo (MOT), Tóquio, Japão
Out. 2010 – Jan. 2011
Co-Curadoria com Shinichi Nakazawa (antropólogo)
Matthew Barney, Bharti Kher, Jan Fabre, Apichatpong Weerasethakul, Shahzia Sikander e outros
Hussein Chalayan – from fashion and back
Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo (MOT), Tóquio, Japão
Abril – Jun. 2010
Expositora Itinerante do Design Museum London
29a Bienal de São Paulo
São Paulo, Brasil
Set. – Dez. 2010
Co-Curadoria com Rina Carvajal, Sarat Maharaj, Fernando Alvim, Chus Martínez
Ai Weiwei, Chim↑Pom, Ilya Kabakov, Joseph Kosuth, Gil Vicente, Anna Maria Maiolino, Roberto Jacoby, Nuno Ramos e outros
The 12th Venice Architecture Biennale
Consultor Artístico (Diretor: Kazuyo Sejima)
Ago. – Nov. 2010
Olafur Eliasson, Do Ho Suh、Janet Cardiff & George Bures Miller, Lina Bo Bardi e outros
“Art Immacure- Le principe d’esperance”
CCAA Art Plaza, Tóquio, Japão
Co-Curadoria com Shinichi Nakazawa
Jun. 2010
A Tokyo Culture Creation Project: Luxury in fashion Reconsidered: Special Exhibit
Kazuyo Sejima Spatial Design for Comme des Garçons
Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo (MOT), Tóquio, Japão.
Viajou para Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, San Francisco, EUA
Tóquio: Out. 2009 – Jan. 2010
Rebecca Horn
Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo (MOT), Tóquio, Japão
Out. 2009 – Fev. 2010
Co-Curadoria com Naoko Seki
A Blow to the Everyday
Osage Gallery Limited, Hong Kong, Ch
Out. – Nov. 2009
Kenichi Hagihara, Meiro Koizumi, Ayako Okubo, Chim↑Pom, Yukihiro Taguchi, Shiro Takatani, Wah document, Koyama Masayoshi
Ryoji Ikeda +/-[the infinite between 0 and 1]
Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo (MOT), Tóquio, Japão
Abril – Jun. 2009
“When Lives Become Form – Dialogue with the Future Brazil / Japan”
Museu de Arte Moderna de São Paulo (MAM)
Abril – Jun. 2008
Atsuko Tanaka, Marepe, ISSEY MIYAKE, The Campana Brothers, Motohiko Odani e outros
When lives Become Form Contemporary Brazilian Art: 1960s to the Present
Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo (MOT), Tóquio, Japão
Viajou para o Yerba Buena Center, São Francisco
Out. 2008 – Jan. 2009
Arthur Bispo do Rosário, Lygia Clark, Lucia Koch, Marepe, Ernesto Neto, Hélio Oiticica e outros
Exposição Fotográfica de Daido Moriyama e Miguel Rio Branco: A Quiet Gaze, Echoing Worlds
Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo (MOT), Tóquio, Japão
Out. 2008 – Jan. 2009
“SPACE FOR YOUR FUTURE – Recombining the DNA of Art and Design”
Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo (MOT), Tóquio, Japão
Out. 2007 – Jan. 2008
AMID cero9, Junya Ishigami, SANAA, Mika Ninagawa, Kiichiro Adachi, Olafur Eliasson, Haruka Kojin, Michael Lin, Tobias Rehberger e outros
“Marlene Dumas – Broken White”
Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo (MOT), Tóquio, Japão
Abril – Jul. 2007
Qiu Anxiong Exhibition
Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo (MOT), Tóquio, Japão
Jan. – Abril 2007
The 4th Seoul International Media Art Biennale “Dual Realistic” (media_city_seoul 2006)
Seoul Museum of Art and public sites around Seoul, Coreia
Out. – Dez. 2006
Co-Curadoria com Rhee Wonil, Pi Li
Miao Xiaochun, Go Watabe, Shi Yong, Inmi Lee, Zhu Jia
Sensorium: Embodied Experience, Technology, and Contemporary Art
MIT List Visual Arts Center, Boston, EUA
Out. – Dez. 2006
Co–curadoria com Bill Arning, Jane Farver, Marjory Jacobson e Caroline A. Jones
Mathieu Briand, Janet Cardiff, George Burns Miller, Natascha Sadr Haghighian, Ryoji Ikeda, Christian Jankowski, Bruce Nauman, Anri Sala e outros
Trial Balloons
Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Castilla y León (MUSAC), Espanha
Maio – Set. 2006
Co-Curadoria com Agustin Perez Rubio e Octavio Zaya
Artpace San Antonio, Texas
Jul. – Set. 2006
Luz María Sánchez*, Gerda Steiner & Jörg Lenzlinger, Do–Ho Suh
21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa Opening exhibition
“The encounters in the 21st Century: Polyphony – Emerging Resonances”
Out. 2004 – Mar. 2005
Mona Hatoum、Michael Lin, Issei Miyake, James, James Turrell, Masaki Fujihata, , Sarah Sze, Rirkrit Tiravanija, Anish Kapoor e outros
Matthew Barney: Drawing Restraint
21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa, Japan
Viajou para Leeum, Samsung Museum of Art, Coreia e para o San Francisco Museum of Modern Art (SFMOMA), EUA.
Kanazawa: Jul. – Ago. 2005
Venice Biennale 2003, 50th International Exhibition of Art, Japan Pavilion “Heterotopias, Yutaka Sone, Motohiko Odani”
Veneza Itália
Jun. – Nov. 2003
Shanghai Biennale 2002
Shanghai, China
Nov. 2002 – Jan. 2003
Co-Curadoria com Xu Jiang, Fan Di’an, Alanna Heiss, Wu Jiang, Klaus Biesenbach
Haluk Akakce, Atelier Bow-wow, Xu Bing, Liu Dahong, Jude Tallicher, Weng Peijun (Weng Fen), Los Carpinteros, Kosuke Tsumura, Eike Becker e outros
7th International Istanbul Biennial
Istambul, Turquia
Set. – Nov. 2001
Diretora Artística
Michael Lin, Lee Bul, Chris Burden, Jan Fabre, Yang Fudong, Kazuhiko Hachiya, Philippe Parreno, SANAA, Joe Apichatpong Weerasethakul e outros
Shirin Neshat
9a parte do Evento de Abertura Anterior do Contemporary Art Museum, Kanazawa
Kanazawa Citizens’ Art Center
Mar. 2001
Some Islands
ARCO 2001 Project Room, Madrid
Co-curadoria com Octavio Zaya
Passage-New French Art
Setagaya Art Museum (SAM), Tokyo, Hokkaido Prefectural Museum, Hiroshima Contemporary Art Museum, Nagoya City Art Museum
1999 – 2000
Huang Yong Ping, Bili Bidjocka, Sophie Calle, Fabrice Hybert, Bojan Sarcevic, Majida Khattari e outros
Fancy Dance Um show de 13 Artista Contemporâneos Japoneses depois dos anos 90
Sonje Art Museum, Kyonju, Sonje Art Center, Seul
Join Me
Spiral, Wacoal Art Center, Tóquio.
Rirkrit Tiravabanija, Bul Lee, Regina Frank, Junya Yamaide
James Turrell -Where does the light in our dreams come from?,
Setagaya Art Museum, Saitama Prefectural Museum, Nagoya City Art Museum
1997 – 1998 Yu Cheng-Ta, Marta Chilindron, Michael Lin, Yan Xinguang, Gu Wenda, Lee Wen
De-Genderism-detruire dit-élle /il
Setagaya Art Museum, Tóquio
Yayoi Kusama, Eva Hesse, Matthew Barney, Janine Antoni, Minako Nishiyama, Kazuhiko Hachiya, Ma Liuming, Mona Hatoum, Soo-Ja Kim, Marina Abramovic, Vito Acconci, Rebecca Horn, e outros
Richard Long-Sangyo Suigyo,
Setagaya Art Museum, Tóquio
Viajou para o National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto
Co-Curadoria com Shinji Komoto
Spirits on the Crossing – Travellers to/from Nowhere – Contemporary Art in Canada 1980-94
Setagaya Art Museum, Tóquio
Viajou para o National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto, Hokkaido Prefectural Museum
Co-Curadoria com Shinji Komoto e Tomoya Sato
Jeff Wall, Stan Douglas, Jana Sterbak, Rodeny Graham, Genevieve Cadieux, Krzysztof Wodiczko, Angela Grauerhalz, Barbara Steinman, Vera Frenkel
Liquid Crystal Futures; 11 Contemporary Japanese Photography
Fruitsmarket Gallery, Edimburgo; Charlottenbourg Udstilingsbygning, Copenhague; Spiral, Wacoal Art center, Tóquio; Neue Gesellschaft fur Bildende Kunst, Berlim; Mucsarnok Palace of Art, Budapeste; Kunsthallen Goteborg, Suécia.
Co-curadoria com Shinji Komoto
Nobuyoshi Araki, Toshio Shibata, Ryuji Miyamoto, Naoya Hatakeyama e outros
Cai Guo Qiang- Chaos
Setagaya Art Museum, Tóquio
Set. – Nov. 1994
Hara Document; Flood-Sacred Irruption
Hara Museum, Tóquio
1993 – 1994
Chiyuki Sakagami, Toru Koyamada, Yves Klein
Yutaka Sone – One Hand Clapping
Yokohama Galleria Bellini, Nomura Arts Foundation
Another World
Art Tower Mito, Mito
Nov.1992 – Mar.1993
Mark Rothko, Anish Kapoor, F.Clemente, Jan Fabre, Dumb Type, IFP, Richard Wilson, LSX
Christian Boltanski
Art Tower Mito, Mito; ICA, Nagoia
ATM: Nov. 1990 – Jan. 1991
Beyond the Photographic Frame
Art Tower Mito, Mito
Jul. – Ago. 1990
Sophie Calle, Berenhard Prinz, Doug e Mike Starn, Morimura Yasumasa, Compresso Plastico, Ideal Copy, Tetsuya Yusa e outros
Destroy, They Say: Women Artists Subtly Traversing Boundaries, Tokyo Geidai Press, 2017
Tokyo Art Meeting VI: “TOKYO” – Sensing the Cultural Magma of the Metropolis, Seigensha Art Publishing, Inc, 2015, pp.136-141
Jan Fabre: Tribute to Hieronymus Bosch in Congo, Espace Louis Vuitton Tokyo, 2015, pp. 35-55
Gabriel Orozco – Inner Cycles, Film Art Inc, 2015 pp. 171-179
Xavier Veilhan, Emotional Mnimalism – Yet Seeking New Modernity, Galerie Perrotin, Editions Dilecta, 2015, pp.14-21
Thoughts on Kishio Suga, Kishio Suga Situated Latency, HeHe, 2015, pp162-175
Tokyo Art Meeting V: Seeking New Genealogies: Art/Bodies/Performances, Film Art Inc, 2014, pp.187-202
Tokyo Art Meeting IV: Bunny Smash –Design to Touch the World, Film Art Inc, 2013, pp.149-157
Tetsuya Ishida, Gagosian Gallery, 2013, pp.5-13
Sharjah Biennial 11: Re:emerge : towards a new cultural cartography, Sharjah Art Foundation, 2013, pp.18-25
A Retrospective Curated by XXXXXXXXX』, Binding: Rosendahls-Schultz, 2013, pp.10-16
Tokyo Art Meeting III: Art & Music–Search for New Synesthesia, Film Art Inc., 2012, pp. 148-159
Trans-Cool Tokyo, Chia Shin Printing Co., Ltd., Taipei, 2011, pp.79-91
Tokyo Art Meeting II: Architectural Environments for Tomorrow – New Spatial Practices in Architecture and Art, Access Co., Ltd., 2011, pp.17-21
Tokyo Art Meeting: Transformation, Access Co., Ltd., 2010, pp.141-153
Modern Women: Women Artists at the Museum of Modern Art, Museum of Modern Art, 2010, pp334-351
When lives Become Form Contemporary Brazilian Art: 1960s to the Present, Esquire Magazine Japan Co., Ltd., 2008, pp.170-175
Luxury in Fashion Reconsidered, The Kyoto Costume Institute, 2009, pp. 193-195
Sensorium-Embodied Experience, Technology, and Contemporary Art: Mathieu Briand pp50-55, Ryoji Ikeda pp.68-69, MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts 2006
AICA International Association of Art Critics, New England Chapter 2006-2007: Best Thematic Museum Show, First Place
Kazuyo Sejima + Ryue Nishizawa: SANAA, Phaidon Press, 2006
Post-identity Kawaii: Commerce, Gender and Contemporary Japanese Art, Consuming Bodies – Sex and Contemporary Japanese Art, edited by Fran Lloyd, REAKTION BOOKS 2003 pp. 127-141
[Words of Wisdom] A Curator’s Vade Mecum on Contemporary Art 2001 ICI New York
“The Museum – A Thermostat of Memory” A journal on contemporary art and culture/ office for 21st Contemporary Art Museum, Kanzawa construction, 2002
Bienal de Shanghai 2002: Urban Creation, On the Mutation of the City, Shanghai Art Museum, 2002
7th International Istanbul Biennial, Istanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts, 2002, pp.7-17
“Art in (a New) Context” Words of Wisdom – A curators Vade Mecum on Contemporary Art, Independent Curators International (ICI) New York, 2001
“Space that Obliterates and Erases Programs” El Croquis no. 99, Elcroquis Editorial 2000, pp 208-213
“Asian Concepts for the 21st Century – Consciousness, Collaboration, and the Possibility of Collective Intelligence” Flash Art, Giancarlo Politi Editore, Milan. 2000
“Consciousness, Field, Time – For the new being of Independency” Musashino Art no. 114, Musashino Art University Press, 1999
“Frame and Frameless” Report of AICA Congress in Japan, 1999
“Tabi no Tochu – Trip Days; Rout of Tokaido” (photograph of Tierry Girarred and Ukiyoe), Marval, Paris. 1999
“Depressed Wonderful Life-Contemporary Young Artists in Tokyo” Flash Art, Giancarlo Politi Editore, Milan. Maio, Junho de 1996
“dumb type” dumb type pHases, Wacoal Art Center, 1993 pp56-57
Jurado Prêmio MAXXI BULGARI 2017
Jurado Asian Art Biennale Bangladesh 2016
Jurado Furla Art Award, Fondazione Furla 2015, Veneza
Jurado Nasher Prize Nasher Sculpture Center 2015, Dallas
Jurado Hugo Boss Asia Art Award 2013-2015, Shanghai
Jurado IAPA Award and Public Art Forum 2013, Shanghai
Jurado The Han Nefkens Foundation-BACC Award for Contemporary Art 2013, Bangkok
Jurado Future Generation Art Award, Pinchuk Art Centre, Kief, 2010, 2013
Jurado Hermes Award 2003, Coreia
Jurado Hugo Boss Prize, Guggenheim Museum, 2002
Jurado “Spectrum” International Prize for Photography of the Foundation of Lower Saxony 2001, Áustria
Jurado the Querini Stampalia FURLA Prize, Veneza, 2001, 2007
Jurado The 48 Esposizione La Biennale di Venezia, 1999
Art Advisory Fondazuione Sanretto, Rerebandengo Turim, Itália, 1999
Painel de Art Advisory Conclave for the exhibition Zeitwenden, Kunstmuseum Bonn, Rheinsches Landesmuseum, Stiftung fur Kunst und Kultur Bonn, 1997
Painel de Advisory Panel, Escola de Arte Lenbachhouse Museum, Munique 1997
Membro do Comitê Consultivo Internacional do The Centre for Contemporary Art Singapore (CCA), 2014-2017
Membro do Comitê Consultivo do Rockbund Art Museum, 2014-atualmente
Diretora Artística do Inujima Art House Project, 2010-atualmente
Membro do Comitê Consultivo de Arte Asiática do Guggenheim, 2008-2012
Membro do comitê da West Kowloon Cultural District Authority, Hong Kong, 2008 – 2010
Comitê Consultivo Cultural do BIACS (Bienal Internacional de Arte Contemporânea em Sevilha) , 2002-2004
WEXNER Conselho Consultivo do Center of International Arts, 2008-2012
Membro do Comitê do CIMAM, 2004-2008
Membro da Associação Internacional de Críticos de Arte
Membro do IKT (Associação Internacional de Curadores de Arte Contemporânea)