Inclusartiz Cultural Center promotes screening of films by Daniel Frota de Abreu this Saturday, 28
Together with the exhibition “Behind the Retina,” which reaches its last weekend, the program includes a conversation between the artist and the exhibition’s curator, Victor Gorgulho
This Saturday, January 28, Inclusartiz Cultural Center promotes a new series of activities related to the exhibition “Behind the Retina,” which reaches its last weekend on display. Opened to the public in September 2022, the show gathers works by 16 contemporary Brazilian artists who investigate, in different ways and through various supports, the relationships between physical space and virtuality, while seeking to establish new territories that go beyond the conventional capacity of human vision.
The program begins at 7 pm with the screening of two films by Daniel Frota de Abreu, from Rio de Janeiro: “Sol Preto” (Black Sun – 2016) and “Sumidouro” (Sinkhole – 2021), which is part of the set in exhibition. Afterwards, there will be a conversation with Abreu about the two productions and his artistic processes, which will be mediated by the exhibition’s curator, Victor Gorgulho.
Through archival research, films, sculptures and lectures-performances, Daniel Frota de Abreu investigates the place of assemblage and fabulation in the documentation of natural and historical events. His research weaves together relationships between preservation practices, geographic displacement of objects and political implications in knowledge generation.
Sol Preto (Black Sun)
2016, HD video, stereo, 24 min
In 1919, a British scientific expedition arrives in the city of Sobral, Ceará, to document a solar eclipse. For a month, astronomers settled in the city in order to carry out the photographic experiment that would become known as proof of Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity. The film “Sol Preto” narrates the scientific event almost a century later, from the perspective of the inhabitants of Sobral.

Sol Preto (Black Sun), 2016
Sumidouro (Sinkhole)
2021, HD video, stereo, 4 min
Craters that open suddenly in the ground are called sinkholes. The geological phenomenon caused by subterranean erosion as a result of mining practices and infrastructural works serves as an assemblage method. Made during the Covid-19 pandemic, the film refers to the isolation of animals in zoos and the deprivation of the senses in flotation therapies. A cinematographic hole where memories are dragged and projected is created with personal archive footage, clips taken from the internet and the soundtrack of the electronic duo Onça Monstra.

Sumidouro (Sinkhole), 2021
7 pm – Screening of the films “Sol Preto” (2016) and “Sumidouro” (2021)
7:30 pm – Talk with Daniel Frota de Abreu mediated by Victor Gorgulho
Inclusartiz Cultural Center – Rua Sacadura Cabral, 333, Gamboa – Rio de Janeiro