Group Show
Centro Cultural TELEMAR (Oi Futuro), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Produced by Instituto Inclusartiz and Centro Cultural TELEMAR
15 November 2005 – 8 January 2006
‘Beyond Image’ exhibition gathered young artists to comprise a rich landscape of the contemporary Brazilian photography, revealing trends and perspectives of the relationship between photography and fine arts and exploring the expansion of the universe of the photographic language to other media. It offers the audience the opportunity of learning more about the works made by inhabitants of the Maré community, allowing them to show their works and encouraging other young people to search personal and professional alternatives through art. The exhibition was divided in two sections: ‘body/space in the new Brazilian photography’ and ‘poetic essays emerging from Maré’. The curatorial research was developed based on the selection of young artists who inherited from their predecessors – the group of avant-garde artists from the 60s and 70s – the experimentation, the strictly intellectual approach, the record of performance, the serial presentation, and the role of social relationships and the architectural space in conceiving the image.