The “Intersections” project exhibitions are extended until May 28
Individual shows by Dalton Paula and Márcia Falcão are open to the public at Inclusartiz Cultural Center
Scheduled to close on April 23, the exhibitions that are part of project Intersections – Dialogues Between Contemporary Art and Literature were extended and can be seen by the public until May 28. Under the curatorship of Victor Gorgulho, Chief Curator of Instituto Inclusartiz, the initiative presents in its first edition solo exhibitions of two visual artists whose productions dialogue not only with the literary field, but also have numerous points of intersection and connection between them.

The “Intersections” project exhibitions are extended until May 28 / Photo: Beatriz Gimenes
The Opening of the Eyes, by Dalton Paula, brings together some of his first artistic experiments, at a moment in his career when photo-performance and the use of video deeply crossed his practice, performing acts either for a static camera or for audio-visual purposes. In those works, already distant from his current production, we can witness the peculiar moment in which Dalton portrayed his own body or the black body in general with their faces and eyes usually blindfolded, closed or even covered by some object or apparatus. A second group of works – three paintings from his famous Brazilian portraits series, in which he paints the faces of historical black leaders in Brazil – reveal the opening of the eyes of those characters, whose memories were erased by traditional historiography and are, today, rewritten in the artist’s delicate and powerful work.
>> Check out an interview with artist Dalton Paula on our Youtube channel.

The photograph “A Cor de Pele A” (2012), by Dalton Paula, will be on display at the exhibition “The opening of the eyes” / Photo: courtesy of the artist
In another room, the public can visit the exhibition Father Against Mother, by Márcia Falcão, which presents for the first time the complete set of paintings produced by the artist from Rio de Janeiro especially for the new edition of the eponymous story by Machado de Assis, recently published by Editora Cobogó. Written in 1906, the work, one of the author’s most brilliant, makes a stark portrait of Brazilian society at the time. By introducing the character Cândido Neves, who “gave in to poverty when he acquired the trade of catching runaway slaves,” Machado de Assis crudely exposes the misery and violence experienced by black and poor people in Brazil.
For journalist Tiago Rogero, who signs a text in the publication, Márcia Falcão’s paintings highlight the “assertiveness against barbarism” of the original text and “brighten up this edition.” Its figurative and expressive style, loaded with a combative look at social and gender inequalities, punctuates the reading with intense images that reinforce the connection between the story and contemporaneity. After all, Machado triggers violence that persists into the 21st century.
>> Check out an interview with artist Márcia Falcão on our YouTube channel.

Painting “Balança da fome” (2022), by Márcia Falcão, is part of the exhibition “Father Against Mother” / Photo: disclosure Fortes D’Aloia & Gabriel
O projeto Interseções – diálogos entre a arte contemporânea e a literatura reforça a vocação interdisciplinar que atravessa as diversas atividades do Instituto Inclusartiz. Desde a sua inauguração definitiva, no último ano, o centro cultural vem desenvolvendo um programa multidisciplinar e de natureza híbrida, reunindo desde seu tradicional Programa de Residência Artística e Pesquisa – em curso desde 2014 – até uma programação expositiva que enaltece tal caráter tentacular das iniciativas do instituto.
“Do casarão à Praça da Harmonia, de sua sede no Rio de Janeiro até outras tantas cidades mundo afora, o Inclusartiz segue a carregar, em sua essência, um latente desejo de fomentar a cultura, não apenas no circuito da arte contemporânea mas, para muito além, busca alcançar territórios de fricção e aproximação entre as artes visuais e outras linguagens, como o teatro, a música, a dança e, no presente projeto, a literatura”, conta o curador Victor Gorgulho.

The “Intersections” project exhibitions are extended until May 28 / Photo: Beatriz Gimenes
Intersections – Dialogues Between Contemporary Art and Literature
Visitation: Tuesday to Sunday, from 11 am to 6 pm, until May 28
Inclusartiz Cultural Center — Rua Sacadura Cabral, 333, Gamboa, Rio de Janeiro.
Free admission