Instituto Inclusartiz supports collaborative exhibition of Vivian Caccuri and Miles Greenberg in New York
Curated by Bernardo Mosqueira, the show proposes a dialogue between sound installations by the Brazilian artist with the Canadian’s sculptures until February 5, 2023, at the New Museum
Inaugurated on November 10, at the New Museum, in New York, the exhibition “The Shadows of Spring” marks the first creative collaboration between Brazilian Vivian Caccuri and Canadian Miles Greenberg. Supported by Instituto Inclusartiz and curated by Bernardo Mosqueira, the show investigates the phenomenon of vibration and its ability to trigger collective transformative experiences. Until February 5, 2023, the duo presents sculptures, installations, embroidery and commissioned sound works, developed separately and together, which create an environment of alternative ways of experimenting with the sound dimension.

Known for his emotive and mesmerizing performances, Montreal-born sculptor Greenberg presents three commissioned works, each piece produced from 3D scans of his own body during the intervention “Fountain I” (2022), a seven-hour performance. These are abstract three-dimensional sculptures with fountains that gush water from various points, adding to the local soundscape. The works are scattered throughout the gallery, apparently floating on the surface of mysterious pools of unknown depth, surrounded by volcanic rocks.

On opposite sides of the space, the large-scale installations by Vivian Caccuri, an artist from São Paulo who participated in the artistic residency program at Instituto Inclusartiz in 2019, combine sound systems with embroidered works, continuing her investigations into sound and sensorial perception through objects, installations and performances. The two embroidered pieces echo the forms of Greenberg’s sculptures, alluding to abstract scenes in which groups of dancers challenge conventional boundaries between individual bodies. Carefully handcrafted, they adorn the plastic fabrics normally used as mosquito netting, stretched within a frame of hi-fi speakers, expanding on a body of research previously presented at the Venice Biennale in 2019.

The two sets of thematically related works are further connected by a new sound piece jointly created by Caccuri and Greenberg, involving the audience and the entire installation in an experience of spatial reorientation.

Vivian Caccuri and Miles Greenberg: The Shadow of Spring
Visitation period: until February 5, 2023
New Museum – 235 Bowery, New York, NY 10002, United States