Inclusartiz Cultural Center hosts the launch of the book “The future of the museum: 28 dialogues”, by András Szántó
Held in partnership with the publisher Cobogó, the event will feature a conversation between the author, the artistic director of MAM Rio, Pablo Lafuente; the director of MUHCAB, Sinara Rúbia; the chief curator of Inclusartiz, Victor Gorgulho; and the coordinator of the institute’s educational program, Fernando Porto
In partnership with the publisher Cobogó, the Inclusartiz Cultural Center will host on Thursday, October 26th, from 7pm, the launch of the book The future of the museum: 28 dialogues, by András Szántó.
The event will feature a conversation between the author, the artistic director of MAM Rio, Pablo Lafuente; the director of MUHCAB – Museum of Afro-Brazilian History and Culture, Sinara Rúbia; the chief curator of Inclusartiz, Victor Gorgulho; and the coordinator of the institute’s educational program, Fernando Porto, about possible paths for construction of an empathetic, aggregating and relevant museum for the contemporary public.
The activity is part of the Gallery Conversations [Conversas de Galeria] project, part of the Paths to Gamboa [Caminhos para a Gamboa] Educational Program, developed by Inclusartiz with sponsorship from VLT Carioca and the CCR Group.

In the book, the New York-based writer and editor, who was director of the National Arts Journalism Program at Columbia University and coordinator of the Global Museum Leaders Colloquium at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, interviews 28 curators and directors of some of the most important museums in the world – including the Brazilian Adriano Pedrosa, from the São Paulo Assis Chateaubriand Museum of Art (MASP). The set shows a changing museological landscape and points out, in different ways, that museums need to constantly reinvent themselves in order to broaden their listening and incorporate differences, reaffirming the transformative role of art.
Gallery Conversations
An integral activity of the Educational Program of Instituto Inclusartiz, “Paths to Gamboa” [Caminhos para Gamboa], the project consists of free and continuous training on art, education and culture, with priority audiences being residents of the port region, students from the public education network, educators, artists, cultural professionals and other interested parties.
Launch of the book “The future of the museum: 28 dialogues” + Gallery Conversations with András Szántó, Pablo Lafuente, Victor Gorgulho and Fernando Porto
Thursday, October 26th, at 7pm
Inclusartiz Cultural Center – Rua Sacadura Cabral, 333, Gamboa – RJ
Free entrance
*There will be simultaneous translation.